The Cisrym Ta

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Macabre and magnificent, as enthralling as it is astonishing (Kirkus Starred Review)

A first novel of unusual scope, power, and imagination that, for me, had much of the sense-of-wonder feel of Kuttneresque science fantasy set in a grown-up world filled with real people desperately trying to cope. I loved it. (Glen Cook)

A mixture of the subtle and the blatant, the outrageous and the understated. With an underlying sense of intertwined horror, and triumph, it is what it seems, and yet it's not, but certainly well worth reading, and definitely worth reading without preconceptions. (L.E. Modesitt, Jr.)

Readers who share my affection for Wolfe, Vance, and Eddison will be equally impressed by Huso's narrative voice. (David Drake)

Huso adroitly mixes technology and fantasy elements in a twisty story that will appeal to fans of thorough world-building and sneaky surprises. (Publishers Weekly)

The duology weighs in at 1,120 pages and includes both The Last Page and Black Bottle, originally published through Tor Books. Both novels have been beautifully re-formatted and are presented in one PDF. Those interested in Huso's AD&D setting are likely to enjoy this exploration of the world and its lore through the eyes of vividly imagined characters.

I want this!

This duology includes both of my novels, set in the world of Adummim: The Last Page & Black Bottle.

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The Cisrym Ta

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